Teeth whitening lightens teeth and helps to remove stains and discoloration. The most common reasons teeth discolor are:

Food & Drink

Coffee, tea and red wine are some of the more common staining culprits. What do they have in common? Intense color pigments called chromogens that attach to the white, outer part of your tooth, also known as enamel. 

Tobacco Use

Two chemicals found in tobacco cause stains: Tar and nicotine. Tar is naturally dark. Nicotine is colorless until it mixes with oxygen. Then, it turns into a yellow, surface-staining substance.


Below the hard, white outer shell of your teeth (enamel) is a softer area called dentin. Over time, the outer enamel layer gets thinner with brushing and more of the yellowish dentin shows through.


Your tooth may change color in response to trauma.  It reacts to an injury by laying down more dentin, which is a darker layer under the enamel.


Tooth darkening can be a side effect of certain medications, including  antihistamines, antipsychotics and high blood pressure medications. Children who are exposed to antibiotics like tetracycline and doxycycline when their teeth are forming (either in the womb or as a baby) may have discoloration of their adult teeth later in life. Chemotherapy and head and neck radiation can also darken teeth.

teeth Bleaching

Bleaching only works on natural teeth and may not be effective in all cases. We will inform you as to the potential whitening for your specific situation.If you are a candidate for tooth whitening, there are 2 ways to go about the procedure:
  • In-Office Bleaching: This procedure is called chairside bleaching and usually requires only one dental office visit. A protective gel or rubber shield is used to protect your gums. Bleach is then applied to the teeth. A special light or laser might be used to enhance the action of the whitening agent.
  • At-Home Bleaching: Peroxide-containing whiteners actually bleach the tooth enamel. They typically come in a gel and are placed in a tray that is custom made to fit on your teeth. You may also use a professional strength whitening strip that sticks to your teeth.


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